Nathan is a Pastoral Intern and Church Planting Apprentice at Covenant Fellowship Church (CFC) in Stuttgart, Germany. CFC was planted eleven years ago by Mission to the Military and Internationals, a ministry of the Southeast Alabama Presbytery of the PCA. While it was originally planted to reach the US military community in Stuttgart with Biblically solid preaching/teaching and Christian community/fellowship, the number of Germans and internationals attending worship has grown over the years, and the church (>500 attendees) is now roughly evenly divided in number between Americans and Germans/internationals. It is one of a dozen or so Confessionally Reformed churches in the entire nation of Germany, a country of 80 million people.
Nathan works alongside our Pastor and Session, leading worship and preaching regularly on Sundays and leading our new Young Adults’ ministry. I am also finishing up my second of three years of Seminary at Edinburgh Theological Seminary. After my graduation, Lea and I hope to plant another Presbyterian/Reformed church in one of the many cities in Germany that does not yet have a solid, Confessionally Reformed church.