The Minor Prophets

Come join us Sunday mornings at 9:30 am in the Fellowship Hall for a 26-lesson expository study of the twelve minor prophets.

The minor prophets dramatize the character of God as few other books in the Bible do. They particularly highlight three aspects of God’s character: His sovereignty, His holiness, and His love. The messages of the minor prophets and their applications for our lives should not be dismissed.

A good two-volume commentary by James Montgomery Boice is available for about $32 from Amazon. Or, you can use the book’s ISBN number “9780801066481” to search it at your favorite Christian book store.

Boice is less technical and more pastoral than many other commentary writers. He not only explains the meaning of the text verse by verse and section by section, but he also applies it with regard to the world in which we live, the life of the church, and the realities of the Christian life.

For more resources and lesson notes, click the button below.

To see the class schedule, click here.